Creation of School Cluster

In 2019, a cluster of thirteen Stevenage schools, led by Dr Christie at The Leys Primary, were successful in gaining a grant of £35,000 from the British Council to participate, along with partner schools in Nepal, in the British Council's Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme. This uses the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for pupils to better understand the big issues that shape our world and equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to make a positive contribution. We have sought to encapsulate this in the strap lines “Our Stevenage. Our World” and ‘Learn, Empower, Take Action,"

”The creation of such a large group of schools, who were all new to the Connecting Classrooms programme, was quite unusual and was used by the British Council to promote the international education programme to other schools in England via the FundEd magazine.

Gender equality project - Highlighted Here

The setting up of the local cluster of schools was also celebrated in the Stevenage Comet - Here

The Leys Primary & Nursery School

Ripon Road, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 4QZ.
01438 314148

Copyright © 2022 - The Leys Primary & Nursery School
Headteacher:  Mrs D Khangura
Chair of Governors:  Mrs Marina Stone